Regular workman's compensation payments can keep you financially afloat in the aftermath of job-related injury or illness. However, workers comp payments aren't automatic, and you'll have to go through a legal process before you'll be approved. Following are five mistakes than many people make that cause them to lose their workers comp cases.
Tell Inconsistent Versions of the Situation
Providing consistent versions of your accident to your employer, your doctor, and the court will increase your credibility in the eyes of the judge who hears your case.
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If you've been hurt in a car accident, the lawyer you hire will have a great impact on your case's chances for success. Hiring an auto accident attorney who's knowledgeable and skilled will increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, while making a mistake when choosing a lawyer could doom your case to failure or a low settlement. As you're considering car accident attorneys, make sure you avoid these mistakes. As long as you avoid these potentially costly errors, you'll be more likely to end up with a lawyer who's well-qualified to represent your case.
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If your child is injured on a playground and incurs medical bills, it is within your rights to try and recoup those costs. How you recoup these costs depends upon where the playground was located that your child was hurt on.
#1 Business Location
If your child was hurt at a business location, such as a play structure located at a children-focused restaurant or a child play center, you are going to want to talk to the manager of the location.
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All deaths seem wrong in one way or another. A mother dies in childbirth, leaving a child with no mother. A husband and wife are split by death, with one surviving without the other. Tragic and bizarre accidents kill dozens of people out of the blue, and kamikaze religious zealots bomb concerts killing children as well as adults. Could you honestly look at any of these deaths and say they are "
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Your physical and mental injuries, damaged vehicle, and pain and suffering are the damages that your personal injury attorney will likely focus on the most. However, they are not the only damages you might be entitled to. There is a possibility that you are owed compensation for loss of consortium. Although the amount you receive will be less than the other damages, it is sometimes worth pursuing. If you are filing a claim or lawsuit for a car accident, here is what you need to know about the loss of consortium.
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